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Why Switch?

Have you ever taken out a phone contract only for a newer, better phone to come out shortly after? It’s an annoying feeling, and one which leads to many phone owners switching!

Switching to a better handset isn’t the only reason to switch… perhaps you’re tired of your current provider not having good signal coverage or fast enough speeds, or perhaps the perks aren’t as good as other networks (does anyone remember Orange Wednesdays!?).

Regardless of your exact reason for wanting to switch, the process is now a lot easier than it once was. You could be set up with your new phone in just a few clicks - what are you waiting for?

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I switch my phone whenever I want?

Whilst you can technically switch whenever you like, how much it will cost you to do so depends on whether you’re currently in a contract. If you’re in a contract you may need to ‘pay off' your contract in order to switch, meaning you need to pay the remainder of your contract in one go.

For example, if you’re 2 months in to a 12 month contract which costs you £20 a month, you’d need to pay £200 (£20 x 10 months) in order to leave that contract early. If you’re not in a contract right now, you can leave whenever you like!

Can I keep my phone number when I switch?

Does the thought of having to update your friends, family and entire network when you get a new phone number send shivers down your spine? You’re not alone! Luckily, keeping your existing mobile number when switching mobiles is a breeze - you simply request your PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) code from your current supplier and give it to your new one. Nice and easy.

Which networks can I switch to?

We compare deals from the biggest UK mobile phone networks, including EE, O2, Vodafone and 3. Not only do we have deals from the biggest networks, but we have the latest models from leading manufacturers as well.

Can I switch from SIM-only to a contract, or vice versa?

Absolutely, the choice is yours. Whether you prefer the flexibility of a SIM-only deal, or the consistency of contract, there are great deals available on the best new phones for both options.

Will I need to buy my new phone up front?

Nope, we have deals which will allow you to pay a small amount (or sometimes nothing) up front, meaning you can get your hands on the best phones in the market for a fraction of what they’d cost to buy outright.

What our expert says...

"I don’t know where I’d be without my phone, but that doesn’t mean we should overpay for our most prized possessions. If you’re someone who prefers to have a contract, it pays to save an extra few pounds each month, as most tariffs are for 12 months or more. Even on a SIM-only deal, you can often find a cheaper deal for the same handset by running a quick comparison."

Tom Jackson

Mobile Expert