Switch and secure a cheaper energy deal in minutes.
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Stop overpaying for your energy
Compare thousands of tariffs from a wide range of energy suppliers and find the best deal for you in just a few clicks.
Once you’ve found the perfect new energy tariff, we take care of the rest. No phone calls, no paperwork and no hassle.
We’re not partnered with any energy companies, so the only incentive we have is to find you a cheaper energy deal.
Why Switch?

Every year, billions of pounds are wasted by UK households paying more than they need to for their gas and electricity. This happens because good deals and cheaper tariffs are normally only reserved for new customers, which leaves those who don’t switch frequently with some very high bills.

Switching your energy bills might sound scary, but it really isn’t. There will never be any interruption to your energy supply, and you won’t get stung with any unexpected bills!

Why not see how much you could save by switching your energy bills with BillBuddy?

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does switching take?

The entire switching process usually takes between 2-3 weeks to complete, depending on how quickly your existing supplier and new supplier work on the arrangement. Don't worry, we'll keep you updated every step of the way. Switching energy suppliers is straightforward with us, and we handle almost everything for you - it couldn't be easier!

What about exit fees?

Exit fees may occur when you leave a fixed-term contract before the expiry date. Exit fees don't apply if you're less than 49 days away from your contract's end date, in line with the energy regulator's guidelines. Don't worry, any exit fees are always clearly displayed on the Tariff Information Label, which is presented to all customers prior to switching to a new energy supplier.

Should I choose a fixed or variable tariff?

Fixed-term tariffs guarantee that rates will not change throughout the duration of the contract, whereas variable tariffs rates can change at any time. In response to the ongoing energy crisis and wholesale energy prices volatility, customers seeking peace of mind may prefer to lock in a fixed-term tariff.

Will switching cause interruptions to my energy supply?

Absolutely not. Did you know that your actual energy supply never changes?

The energy supplier that pays the local distribution network will change, but that's it!

We'll arrange everything once we've chosen your new supplier, meaning that your energy supply is never interrupted.

What our expert says...

"Switching to a cheaper energy tariff is so easy now, there’s really no excuse to not be doing it frequently! I’d recommend a fixed deal, as you can be confident that the rates won’t change for the duration of the tariff. There are also a huge number of green tariffs around now, so the more eco-conscious of you should keep an eye out for those."

Amelia Crew

Energy Expert

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