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Energy switching,

Save up to £461 by switching to a cheaper energy deal, and get free energy monitoring to ensure you're never paying more than you need to.

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It's as easy as 1, 2, 3

Enter your postcode
We'll use it to find the best tariffs available
in your area.
Get savings in seconds
BillBuddy compares thousands of tariffs
from the top UK suppliers.
We take care of it
BillBuddy switches you to a cheaper tariff,
with no hassle at all.
Get Started - It's Free
We put money back in your pocket.
We've helped thousands of UK households to save money on their bills, all whilst maintaining the highest level of data protection.
There's no need to charge for our service, so we don't. Instead, our users save millions of pounds on bills they'd normally forget about.
BillBuddy's bank-level security protects your personal information and prevents unauthorised use, keeping your data safe.

Save with the best suppliers

Easily pay less for the same amount of energy

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Two phones using BillBuddy; one is informing the user about the amount they've saved, the other is comparing broadband tariffs.